Friday, December 10, 2010


Some assembly was required. All of the pieces fit together and it's now out of my hands.
It was placed in the back of a van, and is on its way to its new home.

I'm still on call incase there might be touch ups here and there.

Paul wrote this on the inside of the dome, and as always, spelled Whalberg AH instead
of HA, but everyone does. Renee is spelled incorrectly, but it's dedicated to her just the
same. I thought of her often as I worked on this.
Sunday will be the unvailing. Just in time for the big snow storm comming our way!
I hope they, and you like it!



Bill, It's just beautiful!!

Oddly enough, today I misspelled the name of a very important person in my life. I've apologized and wish I could do it over but of course it's not possible. I know how she feels because it always disturbs me if Nora becomes Norma and I really dislike seeing my dear Karl written as Carl. You sound very tolerant, Bill, and I'm thinking there is a learning lesson in this for me.
Thank you so much for sharing with us all. You are a talented and good man. May Blessings upon Blessings keep coming your way.

martinealison said...

Je vous félicite pour une telle oeuvre... Vous êtes un génie et un artiste talentueux.
Vous pouvez être fier de votre oeuvre et votre chère Renée le serait...
Bisous à vous et bon vernissage.

Karla said...

Bill, This is absolutely beautiful!! I imagine it is even more beautiful in person. Thinking of you and others on this first Christmas without loved ones. May God's peace surround you. Karla

wetoilpaint said...

Thanks for sharing!

A Suggestion, So for in the future, print out your blog post, add it to your family bible and one day your grandchildren sitting at the kitchen table one Christmas will reminisce about grandmomma and poppa and maybe say, will say look at this, will you read this!!!

Gilberto said...

I now the filling, there is always a touch of melancholy in every finish we confront on our lives. But that work and all the related hangings around them, looks to me a happy and well done one. Felicidades Bill

Wes Whalberg said...

Absolutely Incredible, Dad. I am truly impressed. Well done - and I am so glad everyone following your blog can see your work in your favorite medium.

What a great accomplishment. Cheers!

billspaintingmn said...

Nora, Thank you so much. I think you understand
just how difficult this time is. I'm not sure where I'll go from here, and so I will just sit down.

Martine! Thank you! Your comment touches my heart!

Karla, Thank you! You are always an inspiration
I hope those rows of trees greet you with a song always!

Wet! Thank you! That's a wonderful idea!:)

Gilberto! Thank you my friend! I want to wish you a Merry Christmas!

Wes! Thank you my son. Mom and I have always been proud of you. You have brought such joy to our hearts, you are a true blessing from God.

To everyone that reads this, I want to say Thank you. Even if you don't comment I feel your support. Cheers to the Arts & Artists!

Heather said...

Dad! This is truly amazing! After we talked on the phone yesterday I went straight here to see it, I posted a comment but it never showed up, Zach and I absolutely love this wok of art!

Celeste Bergin said...

Oh my gosh....that is stunningly beautiful. I can't come up with enough superlatives for it! Bill, I am so sorry your beloved wife's name is misspelled. Your work is so masterful and must grate on you to have her name wrong. I want to suggest that you have a small engraved plaque made for the inside. I had a small plaque made for my brother to attach to my garden bench that I dedicated to him. It's just a small brass plaque, it did not cost much. Certainly the man who wrote this incorrectly would understand that you want to replace the incorrect version with something correct. Can you sand off the inked area and replace with the plaque? I think you should lobby for it. Renee's name is important!
It is gorgeous ..... everyone will be amazed when they see it!

Anonymous said...

ABSOLUTALY GORGEOUS!! Dad I am so proud of you , I am sure the church will be amazed from this and you will be recognized!! Love you Dad!-Mindy :)

billspaintingmn said...

Thanks Heather & Zach! I glad it was done and delivered before the snow arrived!

Thanks Celeste! So much has gone on with this project,(on both sides of the fence) I'm just happy to meet my deadline. It would have been nice to get correct spelling. I might carve
"Renee" into one (or all) of the Apostiles.God
works in mysterious ways!

Thanks Mindy! I love you too!:)

Debra Bryant said...

Bill, It's beautiful and a fitting resting place for the WORD. As a sacristan at our church, and arguing down mass-produced items, I am always in awe of beautiful and loving craftsmanship. Bravo for your artistic integrity and your love of your medium. paint! LOL

billspaintingmn said...

Thanks Debra! My kids have erged me to put my paintings in a gallery. My next post will be about just that.
I want to paint.

Anonymous said...

Hi Bill -awesome job of gilding as usual
When you get a minute check out
let me know what you think
be well

billspaintingmn said...

Ha! Cliff! You found me. Thanks bud! Show 'em
your stuff, strips and pipes and all those cool lil' spot paintings you do. Class! said...

beautiful work Bill, i am going to wish you Merry Xmas, i know this is a difficult time for you , but non the less your friends want for you to be happy. it will be nice for you to have a show, that will keep your head focus. Best wishes to you.

billspaintingmn said...

Thank you and Merry Christmas Jesus! I wish I was happy. I wish my heart was light.
The gallery has been kind about giving me a show. I'm framing up this stuff, and hope to get it there before new years.

Mary Sheehan Winn said...

This is stunning. The amount of gilding and polishing is astonishing. A masterpiece, Bill.
The dedication is wonderful no matter.