Thursday, December 30, 2010

odds & ends... and new beginings!

Well, it'snow BB-Q! (I had to post this.) It's a scene from the back door. I hope to do
some winter painting, as we have plenty of it!

Last Sunday was the last Dr. Sketchy of the year. The theme was, "ringing in
baby new years." (I won some mesh stockings for my drawing!(ha) It was a fun time.
An old friend from art school and I went to sketch for a few hours, have a couple of
drinks and encourage each other to continue the trip! This was at the 331 Club. Just
a couple of blocks from the church with the gilded Tabernacle .
N.E. is an interesting neighborhood! Happy New Years Every One!


Celeste Bergin said...

that's a lot of snow and she's a charmer. I love sketching from life and then looking back. Picasso was is like keeping a visual diary. Nice job! Looking forward to seeing your winter drawings/paintings!

Gilberto said...

Same to yo Bill, Be happy and do.

billspaintingmn said...

Thanks Celeste! Shortly after I posted, it acually started raining out! Then it turned to sleet! Very weird weather this year.

Gilberto! Happy New Years!! I want this to be a
year of new! Let's make things happen!

Happy New Years to you all! Let's rock and roll
the art world!

martinealison said...

Je vous renouvelle mes voeux...
En apercevant votre première photo je n'ai pu m'empêcher de dire :" oh! mon dieu!". Oh la la! toute cette neige... Trop pour moi!
J'espère que votre petite femme sur votre carnet n'a pas posé dehors !!!

billspaintingmn said...

Martine! Happy New Year!! Yes! We got much snow this winter, and it's just starting! I hope to paint some scenes, it's actually very beautiful. I grew up with winter, so I enjoy it.
The model from Dr. Sketchy was indoors when we drew her. She commented something about how we all braved the cold to draw. Dedication, or cabin fever, maybe both!:)

Celeste Bergin said...

what's new in your sketchbook, Bill?! :)